Mysterious Suicide of a Catholic Priest

It was long ago, so I suppose I can now write about this troubling, eerie tragedy. However, my heart still races with the recollection, despite the passing of 25+ years.

It isn’t the only mysterious Catholic priest suicide to occur in the U.S. For example, in Illinois, Father Waclaw Jamroz died from “suicide by 20+ knife wounds” in 2009.

But this incident was so hushed, you probably haven’t heard about it. Maybe it was kept quiet out of respect for the deceased and his family. Maybe it truly was a suicide. I sure couldn’t say one way or the other. It is, after all, entirely possible to crawl into a trunk–via one’s own free will–and close it. Even during a hot, Midwestern summer.

At that point, there would have been no turning back for him, assuming the trunk had no safety-release mechanism. And, given the year, it probably didn’t.

But why? Why would he choose such a horrific, lengthy manner of death? That’s the main reason I referred to this as a “mysterious” suicide. And why would he buy a one-way ticket to eternal misery?

“Why?” was also my reaction back then. His pitiable appearance and the general atmosphere reeked of something nefarious, either of this world or not. I wondered about the bigger picture but quickly pushed away my curiosity. It felt wrong to even think about it. I know it sounds silly, but, on a spiritual level, I felt threatened by the darkness surrounding his demise.

The story was simple. He’d driven down from a nearby state but didn’t reach his destination. Four days after the intended arrival date, his people called the authorities in our county. They were concerned about his safety. He’d been depressed, they said.

His car was located in a farmer’s field, and, as you know, his body was in the trunk. Four sweltering days of decomp did a number on the poor guy’s remains, but one particular ghastly thing is imprinted in my visual memory. It appeared he’d died while trying to force open the lid. Dear God, he changed his mind, I thought.

No autopsy was performed. The death was ruled a suicide, and nobody challenged it. In that region, during those days, most folks weren’t big on speaking up or questioning certain things. Besides, there was no vast web in which to vent anonymously.

His remains were retrieved, prepped, and returned–and that was that.

Recently, with a semi-comfortable distance between then and now, I’ve felt safer about pondering his whole story. But pondering is probably the only thing I’ll accomplish.



She Has No Idea

“Kathleen” has no idea how outrageous her online posts look to other people. And yet she continues posting, week after week, year after year.

I can’t rightfully compare her to other cluster B folks. She’s too extreme. We (her acquaintances and victims) have never known anyone quite like her.

Her entire existence is focused on bizarre attempts at validation. When she’s not covertly and overtly demeaning everyone she knows, she’s busy creating her beloved Facebook statuses. They are always of the attention-seeking and/or self-aggrandizing variety.

She also likes to leave negative reviews for businesses. If she feels the review will make her look like a strong, intelligent woman, she posts it under her real name. The others (the more daring ones) are posted under her Facebook sock puppet names.

It would be great if someone could reach out and give her some loving advice, urging her to get help and promising to be by her side.

But that has already been done. Multiple times. Those particular ex-friends became targets of her full-blown wrath. Stalking, lies, smear campaigns.

Most people in her circles are terrified to say anything about her freaky posting habits. She is extremely vindictive, and they’ve seen what she’s capable of.

And so, she continues her wacky, volatile behaviors.

Read on for an itty bitty taste of her review bombing:

This is her most recent one. She used one of her fake FB accounts for it. In it, she used a lot of her typical lingo.

I truly feel sorry for…

unprofessional behavior



I don’t know what they did to offend her, but I doubt it was the twenty-minute phone wait.

By the way, their response was perfect. They politely reminded her that their staff is made up of volunteers and that they receive hundreds of phone calls per day. And they asked her to let them know when she’d be available to help. Golden!

 *  *  *

Next up is her review of a local Chevy dealership. I doubt she posted this review for the dealership, itself. For years, she has been outwardly slamming her friends for owning “Chevy pieces of shit.” She is very proud that, a few years ago, she was able to buy her very first new car (a Toyota), and she wants everyone to know that she is smart enough to buy only the best. Most of her friends do not realize that it is actually her elderly grandmother’s car loan. Not Kathleen’s. And the payments are made with the grandmother’s money.


Kathleen puts much effort into looking like a normal, productive member of society. She places a lot of importance on that. Two of her biggest constant fears in life are:

  • Looking like a “loser.”
  • People thinking she has any sort of mental illness.

And she’ll do anything to prevent it.

 *  *  *

This next review was posted in August with one of her real FB accounts (yes, she has two real ones).


I couldn’t say for sure what her real beef is with the parking people, but it doesn’t take much to set her off. I suspect the meter worker was African American (a very likely possibility in that city). Kathleen referred to her as The ‘lovely’ meter person. Note that lovely is in quotes. That’s how she often indicates sarcasm.

Several times, she has ranted on FB about diversity. She blames it for many of her problems, especially her inability to find/keep jobs. You’ll see more of that if you drop back by in the days to come.

*  *  *

The last one, for now, is an older one. She posted it last December after getting fired from her hospital job. Notice that she criticized the hospital and then blamed…..



You might be wondering why she was fired. It’s simple, but it’s so offensive, I’ll keep it short. She photographed a dementia patient and texted the photo along with racist remarks. The details are so over-the-top and offensive, I’m undecided about sharing them.

But stay tuned. These reviews are only the tip of Kathleen’s dysfunctional iceberg.




Deconstructing Kathleen

A journey into the perplexing dynamics of a personality-disordered mind.


Kathleen Blumanowski is a 38-year-old train wreck in denial about her deeply impaired self-image and its disastrous impact on her behavior.

As a perpetual victim, she is always maligned, always shat upon, and never at fault. Her time-worn tools are passive-aggression, attention-seeking, and a tediously fabricated online persona.

After receiving multiple wake-up calls, Kathleen must focus less on her trivial problems and reckon with a string of unfortunate events that she’s emotionally ill-equipped to bear.

With her future in peril and the taut, tattered edges of her fragile pride stretched to their limits, she embarks on a mission to hook up with the only man who might possibly rescue her from utter loneliness. But Dave has issues of his own.

Will Kathleen’s last hope be able to handle her? Will Kathleen ever be able to handle herself?

Tag along as her status quo is threatened, and watch her battle inner demons with the tact of a petulant six-year-old. You may not like her. You may even want to slap some sense into her, but you’ll have a front-row seat to her life as it implodes.




Now available on Amazon.

Borderline Friends

BPD. Borderline personality disorder. Have you ever had a friend, lover, or family member with it?

Mind you, I’m not referring to the mild ones or the ones who were possibly misdiagnosed. I’m not even referring to the ones who are getting therapy and/or engaging in open discussions about their issues.

I’m talking about the other kind. Those who don’t possess a shred of empathy. Those who will never receive an actual BPD diagnosis because they would never step foot near a mental health professional. Ever.

The most commonly discussed borderliners are hyper-sexual little hotties who seem to possess histrionic traits. (Their bewildered exes can be found all over the internet.)

But those are not the only toxic fish in the BPD sea.

The other ones come in all shapes, sizes, looks, and ages. And lovers may not be their predominant victims. Everyone they encounter is at risk. Every relative, every friend, every coworker, every acquaintance.

Some of them might have histrionic traits, but they all have narcissistic traits. And some are all-out nightmares, with actual NPD and BPD mixed together with a few splashes of demon blood.

They need attention more than they need oxygen, and they’ll make damn sure they get it. Many of them use social media to achieve their minimum daily requirements of praise, sympathy, and validation.

Do you know any of those borderliners?

Have you ever wondered what life is like from their wacky, bitter point of view? Now you can find out.


Released in October 2017.